As the rise of L3Cs and social enterprises continue, it is clear that doing good is no longer relegated to the nonprofit or social sectors. While lines continue to blur between nonprofits, for-profits, and all the shades of gray between,
Ashoka and the Greater Twin Cities United Way are hosting a forum to consider how nonprofits can leverage business practices for increased innovation and growth. Registration is currently capped, but you can still sign up for the waitlist for this free event!
Ashoka and Greater Twin Cities United Way Present: The Non-Nonprofit: Should Nonprofits Operate More Like Businesses? March 6; 4-6 p.m. United Way--Stuart Wells Room 404 South 8th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Join United Way, Ashoka Twin Cities and local nonprofit leaders for an innovative and practical panel discussion on how nonprofits can measure what counts, be market driven and create economic value from social impact.
Nonprofits are changing and sector boundaries are blurring. In an increasingly entrepreneurial and competitive environment, a premium is placed on metrics of success.
Steve Rothschild, author of "The Non-Nonprofit: For-Profit Thinking for Nonprofit Success," will address critical questions confronting the sector, drawing on his experience-based principles to ensure nonprofits remain competitive. Our panel of social entrepreneurs, academics and nonprofit leaders will provide a variety of viewpoints and practical examples that you can take back to your organization.
Panelists: - Steve Rothschild - Ashoka Fellow and founder of Twin Cities RISE!
- Joe Soss - Cowles Chair for the Study of Public Service at the University of Minnesota; co-author of "Disciplining the Poor: Neoliberal Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race."
- Sarah Caruso - president & CEO, Greater Twin Cities United Way
- Tony Wagner - executive leadership fellow, Center for Integrative Leadership; former president, Pillsbury United Communities
- Terrie Rose - Ashoka Fellow and founder of Baby's Space
Moderated by Laura Bloomberg, executive director, University of Minnesota Center for Integrative Leadership Register Now Contact Spectra Myers at Ashoka Twin Cities or Brian Paulson at United Way with questions. | | | |
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