"Millenial Leadership: Different by Design" World Cafe
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
5:30PM - 8:30PM
Grassroots Solutions
The Millennial generation is described as being the most diverse generation in U.S. history, distinctly known for having come of age in the digital era, and for rivaling the Baby Boomers in population. Millennials have already begun to demonstrate an interest in helping to make a positive change, whether through their purchasing power, volunteer hours, or taking action via social media. As this generation begins its journey and rises to higher levels of leadership, it will be essential to develop the tools, skills, and relationships necessary to lead in a new way.
- What are the unique and timeless traits that characterize our generation and how will we lead in a bold way that remains relevant to how society, technology, and politics are rapidly changing?
- How can we make sure that the talents and qualities that help us to engage others and accomplish good work are recognized, validated, and valued?
Join us to explore these questions and more through an interactive World Cafe format. Email minnesotarising@gmail.com to save a seat for yourself and please help spread the word so we get a diverse cross-section of young Minnesotans in leadership!
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