Join up with Minnesota Rising!
Consider these opportunities for engaging with Minnesota Rising this summer and fall!#mnrising 2012 Un/Conference Planning Minnesota Rising's third annual Un/Conference is slated for Fall 2012 and we're hard at work on crafting an amazing event hosted for and by emerging leaders. Feel free to join us in person at any of this summer's planning meetings and work with our Logistics, Content, and/or Outreach committees to plan and host an incredible event. Our next meetings are July 5 and July 13 at Grassroots Solutions offices, and we'd love to see you there!
Cascading Conversations Tour Advance TeamThe "Our Minnesota" Cascading Conversations Tour is well underway and we're excited to see feedback coming in from across the state. Members of the Advance Team have already hosted 70+ conversations with young Minnesotans about their values and visions for the future of Minnesota! To continue building momentum, we're inviting more folks to join the group of conversationalists connecting with other emerging leaders and building the Minnesota Rising network. Let us know at minnesotarising[at]gmail.com if you want to become part of the Advance Team or if you'd like to request an invitation to a single hourlong conversation with a member of the Advance Team. We welcome you to join the cascade!
Minnesotans on the Rise: Sarah Burt!
Heidi Smith, Minnesota Rising Blogger
Sarah Burt is the saucy owner of Saucy Burt's, a fun and fabulous food cart on the corner of 8th and Nicollet in downtown Minneapolis! Even though Sarah is a relative newcomer to the Minneapolis food scene, she is clearly here to stay. Though Minneapolis has lately seen a growing trend of all things food, Sarah located a hole and had just the product to fill it - her meatball sandwich.
Like most professionals, Sarah did not have a direct path leading her into entrepreneurship and even with the amount of joy cooking brings to her, she has not had it easy. Aside from the incredible amount of pre-workthere is to owning a business, Sarah had to cook for 12-14 hours a day in the early days of running Saucy Burt's.
Sarah's takeaways from this experience include insights that other young professionals can incorporate into their lives. She has a few tips to share with other young professionals [Read more].
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