Minnesota Rising 101

Friday, July 27, 2012

You're Invited: "New Structures for New Times" Conference

In an era of working smarter, not harder, Greater Twin Cities United Way is hosting "New Structures for New Times: Leadership for a Strong Nonprofit Sector" to provide insight and guidance related to mergers and nonprofit restructuring. Showcasing local thought leaders, national experts, and the release of new research, this event will benefit not only organizations currently considering the best path forward, but the future leaders who will be challenged to work collaboratively to sustain these nonprofits in the years ahead. The event is free of charge and registration details follow just after the jump.

New Structures for New Times Banner
Register today for Greater Twin Cities United Way's "New Structures for New Times: Leadership for a Strong Nonprofit Sector," a conference exploring strategies to maintain our strong nonprofit sector in the challenging decade ahead, in view of declining government funds and increasing need. This event is free of charge.

Date: Tuesday, July 31
Time: 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Networking begins at 7:15 a.m.
Location: Hilton Minneapolis

Dave GroganKeynote speaker Paul Grogan, president and CEO of The Boston Foundation, will share his thoughts on how each of us can be a catalyst for a collaborative future.

In 10 years Mr. Grogan has boosted fundraising and streamlined operations, while launching high-impact initiatives in housing, workforce development and civic engagement.

The conference will also include:

Research: The release of a new study by MAP for Nonprofits and Wilder Research on success factors in nonprofit mergers.

Discussion: Featuring Armando Camacho, president, Neighborhood House; Jon Campbell, executive vice president and director of social responsibility, Wells Fargo; and Jennifer Martin, senior vice president, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, and board chair, Children's Home Society & Family Services.

Strategies: Breakout sessions so you can learn more about restructuring strategies that may help to sustain the work of nonprofits in our communities.

Breakouts include: Funders Discussion with Paul Grogan * Deeper Learnings from the Merger Research * Considering Options Across the Realignment Spectrum * Considering Culture: Designing an Organization that Thrives * Creating Your Road Map for Success: Assessment as the First Stop on the Journey * Shared Services Options * Strategic Opportunities Through Mergers



  1. Thanks for posting!Note that online registration for this event is closed - but walk-ins are welcome! We increased the room size to make sure we can accommodate interest.

    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for the update, Dinah. It's great to hear there's been such significant interest. Best of luck next week and thanks for your leadership!


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