The National Association of Asian American Professionals - Minnesota chapter (NAAAP-MN) is hosting "
What "Soft Skills" Do You Need to Accelerate Your Career?" Join in to hear from incoming national NAAAP president, Fabian J. De Rozario, about the personal and professional skills that help to accelerate career advancement. Seating is limited to 25 seats, so register today!
Join NAAAP at Zen Box Next Week!
What "Soft Skills" Do You Need to Accelerate Your Career?
Presented by NAAAP's National President-Elect, Fabian De Rozario
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 @ Zen Box Izakaya
"Talent is Not Enough" is a common phrase uttered by leaders and authors of business books. The essence of this claim is that technical skills are insufficient to propel one's career. In this seminar, you will be introduced to a comprehensive inventory of personal and professional skills that have proven to distinguish people as star performers. Often called the "soft skills," these learned abilities translate to "hard" results - more credibility, influence, better assignments, promotions,...and more. During this session, you will complete this inventory of skills, which you will then use to establish a personal action plan to expand your capabilities.
| Fabian J. De Rozario  |
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Registration 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. Session 7:15 - 9:00 p.m. Networking
Location: Zen Box Izakaya 602 South Washington Ave Minneapolis, MN 55415 (651) 332-3936
Cost: Free for NAAAP Minnesota Members $10 for Nonmembers Light appetizers will be provided. Dinner and beverages are on your own.
About our Speaker:
Fabian De Rozario is a consultant and facilitator of talent engagement seminars/programs, delivering more than 100 workshops and seminars each year at Fortune 100 companies in the U.S. and abroad. Program topics include diversity & inclusion, cross-cultural proficiency, workforce engagement, and leadership. Fabian is a Senior Consultant and Lead Facilitator at Korn/Ferry International and also has his private consulting & training practice, GlobalConnect LP. He is also President/CEO-Elect for NAAAP (the National Association of Asian American Professionals). Fabian was born and raised in Malaysia and completed his secondary education in Edinburgh, Scotland. He graduated from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale with two B.S. degrees (Management and Marketing) and a M.S. degree in Parks & Recreation Administration.
Fabian is a leader and frequent volunteer in the Atlanta metro area, serving as the 2009 & 2010 President of NAAAP Atlanta (National Association of Asian American Professionals) and co-founding MAG (Malaysian Association of Georgia). Currently, he serves at NAAAP's National Chief Business Development Officer and is a board member of CPACS (Center for Pan Asian Community Services).
About NAAAP – MN
The National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) is dedicated to advancing your career through professional development, building leadership skills and connecting you with people from companies around the Twin Cities and across the country. NAAAP – MN members currently represent companies such as Medtronic, Target, General Mills, Accenture, State Farm, 3M, ACA International, Ameriprise, Shaw Lundquist and more. Join NAAAP and gain access to professional development and networking opportunities at the local and national levels.
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