Minnesota Rising 101

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Network Partner Notes 2013: YNPN-TC's Five Minutes in Hell

The Minnesota Rising 2013 Un/Conference: Cultivating Capacity for Collective Leadership will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2013 from 10:00AM – 4:30PM at DLR Group offices in Minneapolis, MN. Hosted by and for emerging leaders, the Un/Conference will engage emerging leaders across Minnesota in an energizing day of innovative learning and dialogue, skill-building, and network-building with their peers!

Minnesota Rising is pleased to collaborate with Network Partners, emerging leader group organizations, to help cross-promote our parallel efforts to provide leadership development and community-building. In our Network Partner Notes, we prompt and highlight our 2013 Un/Conference Network Partners in their own words! Below we highlight an exciting upcoming event of the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network - Twin Cities!

Enjoy an evening in hell with your fellow YNPNers!
YNPN Twin Cities invites you to attend:
Five Minutes in Hell
Wednesday, October 23, 2013 from 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
205 E Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN
Register now

We're offering the stage to our members, so they can show us their stuff for Five Minutes in Hell!

On October 23, you'll want to descend deep underground (otherwise known as Honey in Minneapolis). But don't worry, you won't be alone. You and your fellow attendees will bear witness to the brave souls who will each take the stage for a five-minute presentation on a topic that relates to the successes and failures that we all experience.

This high-energy, fast-paced event is the perfect bite-sized opportunity to gain knowledge, meet some devilish young nonprofit professionals, and get a taste of what it's like to be on the hotseat. And we fully expect this to be a fun night out for people of 
all ages and professions, so bring your co-workers, your friends, your long-lost third cousins twice removed.

Will our presenters stay in hell or make the journey to YNPN heaven? You'll be the judge!
Your master of ceremonies
Jeff Achen
Digital Strategist, GiveMN

Jeff promises to keep the evening fast-paced and fun! Plus, he'll bring along some GiveMN goodies to give away in anticipation of the quickly approaching Give to the Max Day 2013.

Who's on the hot seat?
BrandonBrandon Boat
Playing god with beer
Homebrewing beer affords you the opportunity to create beers using unique ingredients that have never touched anyone's lips. This leads to a wide variety of delicious successes or undrinkable failures.
Cymone Fuller
From rejected to accepted

As a person who would be considered successful, by many standards, in my undergraduate career, rejection from what was thought to be a "sure thing" graduate program was earth shattering. But, with a strong affirmation of self, passion, drive, and ability, I challenged rejection and made an institution reconsider its standards.
Drew Gneiser
Bullet points are killing small children

Storytelling vs fact-telling. Weave in a classic story from history/literature, and then connect to nonprofit's marketing work today. Success of using storytelling and how it can ignite giving, action, and world change. Yes, all in 5 minutes.
Emily Shaftel
Bouncing back from failure and finding a new direction - when you're far from home
I'll tell the story of how my professional aspirations crashed around me while I was living in Mexico - and how it became an opportunity to connect with ambition, passion, and direction in my life.
Jake Levy-Pollans
Everything I know about social media, I learned on the playground

With the same rules you learned on the playground in elementary school, anyone can be a world-class social media ninja, boosting your networking, professional, and personal life.
Lindsay Bacher
A Wisconsin Packer fan in Christian Ponder's court
Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don't. A few tips on managing success when everyone around you is failing and has never won a Super Bowl.
Katie Hill
The more real grown-up field trip: A journey from failure to success... on a school bus
This is a story of an audience engagement project I organized at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts last spring involving a school bus, boxed lunches, grown-ups, and valuable lessons learned about the iterative process of innovation.
Renae Youngs
What does program "success" *really* mean? - Cultural sector edition

In the nonprofit world we're used to identifying and working toward clear outcomes in our work - but some teams aren't quite there yet. A museum person will debunk some examples where an organization's initial goals fell short (or came out of left field) in order to help us zero in on what it really means to plan mission-fulfilling work.
Sandy'Ci Moua
This Hoyt House aka What NOT to do with a Vacant-2 home

Two people decide to buy their first home only it's a Vacant-2  four-unit apt. building and they are an unmarried couple. See their hilarious (at the time it wasn't) journey of epic failures and successes involving homelessness situations, Menard's, crying and staple guns.
Sarah Townsend Morris
Taking a people-centered approach to changemaking

To make sustainable change, we must win people's hearts and minds AND reach compromises that both sides can stomach. My experience tells me that to reach that point we must not only focus on using the best process, but first we must focus on building relationships and connections between all sides. With relationships in place, compromise becomes more important and palatable, thus opening the door for new solutions to seemingly intractable problems.
Copyright © 2013 Young Nonprofit Professionals Network - Twin Cities, All rights reserved.

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