Focused on much more than "making money," the
2014 Wealth & Leadership Summit aspires to help young professionals in the Twin Cities manage, maintain, and prosper in their social, personal, and financial lives. Join them to learn more about financial planning and entrepreneurship in an entertaining and informative environment. See below for details and to save your seat!
The Wealth & Leadership Summit is an event is designed with the intent to help young professionals of the Twin Cities Metro community manage, maintain and prosper not only financially but socially and personally. Our presenters will engage young adults, professional and aspiring entrepreneurs on the importance of financial planning, the power of entrepreneurship, how real estate is important to an investment portfolio and how professional relationships can make or break your career path.
What sets this summit apart from other events is a well-defined focus on much more than making money. This event is about:
+ How to create wealth
+ Why you need to create wealth
+ What can help you create wealth
+ Who can help you create wealth.
We have built a summit that will be entertaining and informative. Our presenters will educate and offer a call to action to our attendees to get active and intentional in establishing strong careers and effectively developing sustainable wealth. Each presenter has their own resources to share including books and other materials that attendees can refer to in reviewing what is learned at the summit.
General age range 25 - 35 because It captures the up and coming generation including college students and recent graduates who are eager to learn as well as those who may be in transition looking for a new career path. This event is open to anyone who wants to be inspired and learn about strategies on how to create wealth.
Date: Saturday, November 1st 2014
Time: 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: Univ. of MN Hanson Hall rm. 1-108
Why get involved?
This event will add value and build upon the assets of emerging leaders and young professionals bygiving them personal access to empowering stories and effective strategies. Attendees will also have the option to purchase useful materials and have ongoing access to presenters.
Who stands to benefit professionally from this event?
- College Students & Recent Graduates
- New & Transitioning Professionals
- New Hires & Entry level staff
Key Elements:
- Inspiring & Engaging Presentations
- Space for Networking
- Brown Bag Lunch Model
- Vendors Selling snacks & Merchandise
Presenters & Topics:
- Cash Flow: Mark A. Wingo
- Social Investments: Ernest Comer III
- Real Estate: Rickele Robinson-Wingo
- Leadership: Dr. Artika Tyner
- Perseverance: Richmond Tweh