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SMBMSP #80 - Social Media Case Studies
Friday, July 17, 2015 from 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
It's time once again for one of most popular topics. Join us at Olson HQ as we dive into three comprehensive case studies from the Olson team.
Case Study #1: Creating Social Content Like a Newsroom
Learn how the
Bauer team uses a newsroom approach to plan, curate and develop social copy. Hear how looking at content like a bite, snack or meal can help drive more engaging content on any budget. Never run out of ideas again.
Presented by: Jen Boyles (@Jen_Boyles)
Social Strategy Director, Olson Engage
As Social Strategy Director for Olson, Jen uses social listening tools and smart strategic thinking to create integrated plans that win new business and evolve retainer clients' campaigns. The common thread throughout Jen's career has been her penchant for culture and community, and during her years with Olson she has worked to engage social communities around top brands like Wrigley (Skittles, Orbit, 5 gum, Extra), Bauer Hockey, Target, Supercuts, Dremel, and KraftMaid
Sam Campbell
Social Strategist, Olson Engage
Case Study #2: Developing Social Images Without a Professional
The days of posting just text on social media are gone but not everyone can hire a professional photographer. Watch how Olson's social media team creates quick, efficient and beautiful content for clients like
wet n wild and
Discover Boating. Even if all you have is a sunny corner and iPhone 6, there's a photography solution for you.
Presented by: Katie Miller (@KateReallyLives)
Social Media Director, Olson Engage
As a Social Media Director on the Olson Engage team, Katie provides strategy, content creation, right-time engagement recommendations and social execution across various clients. She's recently found a lot of success in leading Olson's social media visual content offering and finding ways to create affordable but strong photography for clients. Working closely with internal teams at Olson, she helps to engage brand communities online through holistic activations and create efficiencies across departments. Katie works on a wide range of clients including Minnesota State Lottery, wet n wild, Discover Boating and McDonalds.
Melanie Richtman (@mkrichtman)
Assistant Account Executive, Olson Engage
As an Assistant Account Executive on the Olson Engage team, Melanie focuses on strategy, content creation, influencer outreach and right-time engagement recommendations for a variety of clients. Melanie works on a wide range of client accounts including BISSELL, Discover Boating, wet n wild and the Belize Tourism Board.
Case Study #3: Engaging in Right Time Social Content Marketing When You Aren't Oreo
You don't have to have a huge budget and department to be effective with right time social content marketing. Sometimes a small idea with the strong strategy can have just as big of an impact. See how brands like
Terminex and
Belize are joining the right conversations at the right time.
Presented by: George Fiddler (@georgefiddler)
Creative Director, Olson Engage
When not reminiscing about sensations such as Myspace Tom, Henry Rowengartner and Rickrolling, George can be found developing or executing creative consumer campaigns and social media strategies for a wide array of clients at Olson. Prior to joining Olson, George worked with a range of clients on a variety of marketing activities at Fast Horse, where he began as a hungry intern and left with great experiences in PR, advertising and social media. Main account management was for brands within The Coca-Cola Company, including Sprite, Odwalla, Coca-Cola, Coke Zero and Diet Coke. These accounts provided the opportunity to work with athletes such as LeBron James, Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry.
Mary Clare Jensen (@maryclarejensen)
Director, Media Relations, Olson Engage

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